


Board & Staff

Our board, comprised of family members and friends of David Retik and Chris Mello, is responsible for setting the Foundation's policies and awarding grants. Their commitment to the foundation is a remarkable testament to the power of our vision which in many ways is our mission — always remember Dave and Chris.


Edward Gatta, Jr., President

Eileen McCarthy Toti, Treasurer

Johanna Wise-Sullivan, Clerk

Bob Emmert

Kathy Flaherty

Doug Mello

Ellen Mello

Benjamin Retik

Susan Retik

Jeanne D’Agostino, Executive Director

Advisory Committee Members

Gina Mello

Molly Retik



William and Jacalyn Egan

Timothy Dibble

Brian McNeill

Eileen McCarthy Toti


In a novel by Nina Sankovitch she writes, “The only balm to sorrow is memory; the only salve for the pain of losing someone is acknowledging the life that existed before.”

In memory and celebration of Dave’s and Chris’ lives, The David E. Retik Christopher D. Mello Foundation has provided opportunities for others to create memories. We are thankful to the families and friends who have supported the foundation and grateful for the good work of The Retik Mello Foundation’s board of directors.

— Bill and Jackie Egan